Eligible Expenses

The number of students that may be approved for funding and the level of awards are subject to the number of applications received and the overall availability of funding. Applicants may be prioritised depending on the number of applications to the fund and the amount of funding available. As soon as the Fund has been distributed in full, no further awards can be made regardless of eligibility.
Assistance may be provided for such things as:

  • Rent (private accommodation rented specifically for coming to college)
  • Travel related to college
  • Books and college supplies
  • Utilities in connection with private rented accommodation as above for e.g. heating, lighting and internet receipts
  • Childcare

NOTE: Funding is not provided for food or grocery bills. Given the increased demand for funding, the SAF Committee has decided to target those categories of expenditure that incur the most significant costs. The allocation for books and college materials has been increased to reflect this.
Funding is not provided for tuition fees, the Student Levy, the Student Contribution Charge or student loans.
Allocations are made based on the actual expenses a student is incurring. Maximum allocations have been set in respect of each category of expenditure (see below) and the maximum allocation that a student can receive across all categories of expenditure is €700. Typical allocations for 2012/13 were between €300 and €600.

Category of Expenditure Maximum Allocation
Rent Up to a maximum of €700
Childcare Up to a maximum of €700
Utilities (heating, lighting & internet) Up to a maximum of €400
Travel Up to a maximum of €400
College books / materials Up to a maximum of €300